Get FREE Access to Simply Breastfeeding

Build your confidence and achieve early and long term success breastfeeding your newborn!

Sign up for FREE access and get started right away!

Shari Criso


"Knowledge, accurate information, and positive support is the best way to make real choices and reach your personal breastfeeding goals for yourself and your baby.

I believe EVERYONE deserves access to that! This has been my career and my mission for over 28 years…and why I have decided to offer my support to you for free.

What You'll Learn

Breastfeeding Goals

What does breastfeeding success look like to you and your partner? Getting clear on your breastfeeding goals will propel you towards success.


How Does the Breast Make Milk?

Our bodies are amazing! Breast milk is not just food. Your breasts are creating a unique blend that is perfectly designed for your baby each and every day. In this section I will explain how your body and your breasts do this so you can support yourself and your milk supply, as well as understand what your baby needs at each stage.

Getting A Good Latch

In order to do breastfeeding positions correctly, I’ll show you a few things you need to have at home and ways to set yourself up for success.

Is My Baby Getting Enough?

The biggest concern for all new parents when their breastfeeding is knowing if their baby is getting enough. I give you useful tips and tools on how to handle things like weight loss, growth spurts and more.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has so many benefits for both you and your baby! There are some you may know and many that may surprise you!

Breastfeeding Positions

Breastfeeding is a learned skill and can be simple with the right education. Learn the techniques that have been proven successful time and time again.

Preventing Sore Nipples

Being sore and having bleeding nipples is not inevitable. This does not have to be the situation when it comes to breastfeeding.

Pumping & Introducing the Bottle

If your baby won't take the bottle, NOBODY will babysit. I guide you through my method to introducing the bottle at an early age.

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